Do I have to use TM every time?

Do I have to use TM every time?

A trademark in India is supported for some time of a long time from the date of enlistment expressed in the trademark endorsement. However, if a trademark owner has not involved the trademark for a time of over 63 months, …

What is power of attorney for Trademark?

Trademarks Act 1999 in India gives security against the abuse of an enlisted trademark. A Trademark is a sort of a security towards the Intellectual Property. This recognizes different products and services by giving a brand worth to them on …

Reasons Why Trademark Registration Is Getting More Popular In The Past Decade

In India, the Online Trademark Registration is done by the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks. Enrollment of a trademark should be possible either disconnected (physical) or on the web, i.e., E-documenting (Online trademark enlistment). Disconnected enlistment of the …