Copyright Registration
The copyright registration is emerged under the copyright Act, 1957. We smart Auditor helps people to secure their works over Trichy, Salem and Erode. It is the right among the creators of literacy, dramatics, music and artistic work of films and recordings. By registration the proprietor gets the rights to reproduce, replicate and distribute the work. The registration is mainly to secure the work from copying by the publics. No one can attain the uniqueness of the product. There are lots of works under copyright like communication to the publics, rebuilding, translation of the creation etc.
Sometimes the business and start-ups gets copyright under certain instructions and user guidelines. Copyright is not mandatory. But registering those works make some satisfaction to the owner to make new sort of ideas relating with that. Thus he will get the rights and confidence until some sort of period.

Procedures to obtain the copyright registration
- An application with all the statements has to send to the registrar in a FORM IV with prescribed format. If there is more works then it will be added to different applications.
- Each application is signed by the applicant and by an advocate
- The registrar issues Diary No. and there is a time period of 30 months to receive the objections.
- If there is no objections within 30 days there will conduct a cross checking behalf of the registrar. And if there is no objections and extract may send for the copyright registry entry.
- In case of objections the hearing will send to both the parties.
- After the hearing gets over the scrutinized check the application and may reject or accept the application.
Details required for Copyright Registration
Personal details:
The personal details include the name, address and Ethnic group of the person. It is also necessary that he must mark that whether he is the owner or representative.
Working nature:
The working nature includes title and description, language of the work and if we have any website relating to the work then it can also mention in this category.
Date of publication:
The date of the publication may have to submit in magazines if it possible. The company magazines or research paper submitted does not count as publications.